Quality Scotland's first online network meeting

We are delighted that our first online network meeting, Supporting your People,  was a success and would like to thank all who participated during the session. We would also like to thank our speakers Catherine Eadie and Sarah Shimmen from MHScot and Alison Ballantyne from CIPD for some very helpful and useful tips and information to help organisations get through these challenging times. If you would like to see the full presentation this is available through the members area of the website.

Feedback from the session

"Thanks Catherine and Sarah, really useful practical tips and advice to take away!"

"Great opportunity to test Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plans, all too often they've been lying gathering dust! Take some time to document how you have coped through this crisis, including how all stakeholders have been supported, the very essence of the EFQM model in practice."

"Thanks Fiona, Catherine, Sarah and Alison. Sound advice in these challenging times. Much appreciated."

As well as our invited guests Fiona Liddle (QS Account Director), gave some insight into how the EFQM Model can be used to steer organisations through these challenging times.

Following research the new model emphasises themes, now pertinent for all of us:

• The parallel of managing change at the same time as managing operations e.g. unprecedented levels of change
• A mind-set for creativity and innovation, including disruptive thinking e.g. new designs for emergency supplies
• Responding in an agile, effective and efficient manner to opportunities and threats within ecosystem e.g. Global environment/megatrends now includes a pandemic
• The need for more collaborative leadership style e.g. across services and sectors, governments and countries, academics and scientists
• Developing a culture based on co-creating relationships e.g. everyone working towards same goals, win-win

Using RADAR to help manage coping plans

• Helpful to check that any approach taken to support people is appropriate and links with other activity/support
• Useful to think through how best to implement activity/support to ensure it reaches all the relevant people and at the right time
Assessment & Refinement
• Useful to be able to review activity and share what is working or needs further review/refinement
• This could help to make best use of limited time and resources.
Relevance & Usability
• Where possible helpful to ensure any data/feedback being gathered is as usable as possible.
• Useful to make use of any trends and learn from others to inform future plans


As always we are keen to get members feedback on the network meetings.  This time it would also be helpful to get your thoughts and preferences on the frequency and format for online meetings during this time together with topics/themes that would be helpful for yourself and colleagues. Please use this link to let us


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